Two-Site Production Quality Assurance System

DISCO's Two-Site Production

DISCO promotes two-site production as part of our BCM (Business Continuity Management) system.
Two-site production means that the same product is produced at both Hiroshima Works and Nagano Works.
By producing the same product at two sites, even if one site is damaged, production and shipment can be performed from the other site.

In order to ensure that our customers can choose products from either location with confidence, we are working to create a system that guarantees not only the same output, but also the same series of processes required for production.

Quality Assurance System

Through the following initiatives, we are working to ensure quality and stability in our supply by evaluating the fact that the two sites are producing under the same process.

Quality Assurance System
  1. New certification
  2. The certification is conducted by IRCA-registered auditors qualification holders* in the presence of technical experts from the other site manufacturing the same product. Process equivalence is evaluated and certified not only from the perspective of the quality management system, but also from the perspective of professionals. We have also been recognized by the IRCA for the effectiveness of our internal quality audits and have established a rigorous evaluation system.

    * IRCA-registered auditor qualification holders: Auditors in our company who are internationally certified for their competence in management system audits.

  3. External audit
  4. The applicable products have been added to our ISO 9001 scope and both sites have undergone certification audits by third-party organizations.
    The ISO 9001 registration certificate is renewed according to the results of the audit.

  5. Ongoing evaluation
  6. We periodically evaluate the equivalence of processes at the two sites using the same method as the internal assessments. Differences and variations due to process changes at either of the two sites are prevented and equivalence is maintained. In addition, the objectivity of the evaluation is ensured by having different qualified persons conduct the evaluation each time.
